Carnation Flowercards & Gifts

Carnations are a timeless flower perfect for any occasion. Their frothy petals and gorgeous spray colours make any arrangement pop! Carnations are particularly popular for Mother's Day and for wishing someone good luck.

Common name: Carnations

Carnations are one of the most popular flowers used for floral gifts. The beautiful flower is famous for its remarkable bright colours, luxurious silky petals, and spicy scent. It is often used as a symbol of love, sweetness, or purity.

The history of the carnation goes back to 1907 when Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia used a stunning pink carnation to symbolise the love she had for her late mother on Mother’s Day. Many beautiful floral arrangements are still sent out every year to mothers to symbolise love and gratitude for them.

Carnations have a rainbow of hues, including red, purple, white, and green flowers with long, green stems. Red carnations are often sent to partners as a gesture of romantic love. A carnation is also seen as the first traditional anniversary gift. White and pink carnations are used for gratitude and purity. Green carnations are often sent during St. Patrick’s Day.

Latin name: Dianthus caryophyllus

The name of the carnation traces back to ancient Greece and Rome. During this time fresh blooms of pink and peach carnations were said to resemble the colour of human flesh. The name, therefore, took on the meaning of “carnis,” which means flesh in Latin. The Latin term was derived from the Greek botanist Theophrastus. In ancient Greek, dianthus was taken from the word “dios”, which is Latin for the divine.

Thinking of sending a beautiful carnation floral hug to a special loved one? View our colourful range of carnation gifts here.