Delightful Festive Table Decorations
Whether it’s a cosy table for two or you’re having the whole family around for a roast turkey with all the trimmings, adding some colourful blooms and a little bit of sparkle to the Christmas table really does set the mood for a fun, jolly and enjoyable Christmas meal. We’ve come up with a range of ideas to help make your guests feel welcome and add some festive cheer to proceedings.
• Name tags attached to a little sprig of holly.
Adding place names to the table settings is a lovely way to make everyone feel that little bit special. To make your own, invest in a pretty gold or silver metallic pen and some good quality white or cream card. Once you’ve written out all the names, simply cut them out to the desired size, add a hole at the end using a hole punch and tie them with some fine red ribbon to a little sprig of holly to be placed in front of each table setting – et voila!
• Pretty handmade napkin rings.
You might want to polish up the family silver napkin rings for the occasion, but if not, handmade napkin rings are quick, easy and fun to make. Again, you’ll want to invest in some good quality card and gather up some pine cones – enough for each place setting. Spray the pine cones gold or silver, then stick each one onto a strip of card. Wrap the card around each napkin and seal with a glue dot, so that the shimmery pine cone sits on top. Great fun to make with the kids in your family on Christmas Eve.
• The piece de resistance of the festive table is always the centrepiece which really does set the whole table off beautifully.
Greens, reds and foliage work really well, and, if you opt for delicate fresh blooms and greenery, will add a lovely scent that shouldn’t overpower the senses before you sit down to dinner. We’ve been busy in the studio designing a range of new flower trugs that are perfect for the festive season, with flourishes of red and green to match your Christmas décor. They make beautiful gifts for the host and hostess if you’ve been invited to Christmas dinner somewhere else, or you could just treat yourself to one if you’re hosting dinner yourself. You will certainly have earned it!